The night of ideas : “The living in all its states”

“We think we have solved the mystery of creation. Maybe we should patent the universe and charge everyone royalties for their existence “

Stephen Hawking

Why Do we call the universe mysterious ?

Last Friday, we had the honour to assist at a beautiful and amazing conversation between Bruno David (President of the Museum of Natural History) and Salim Edde (Director of the Mim) in the museum of minerals.

From the nature of the universe (that’s if there is only one) to the purpose of dreams, there are lots of things we still don’t know – but we might do soon.

How did the basic chemicals present on early Earth spontaneously arrange themselves into something resembling life?

How did we get DNA?

What did the first cells look like?

More than half a century after the chemist Stanley Miller proposed his “primordial soup” theory, we still can’t agree about what happened.

Now that we know the universe is awash in planets, just how distinct is our world?

Is an almost equal mix of land and sea  or will most planets be either entirely desert or entirely ocean?

Most importantly, how does the dry-land vs. open-water mix influence the evolution of intelligent life?

Indeed, Science gives us new eyes. It lets us see that even the map of the world is full of mystery.

What about The minerals ?

Mr Salim Edde gave us some information about the Chemical composition and  the formation of a stunning mineral named “Fluorite”

(one of the most varied colored mineral in the mineral kingdom) and also talked about the “Orpiment“.

Moreover, it’s interesting to see how the Bacteria take action in the Orpiment.

Any idea about the Mysterious organisms living inside of the  gemstones ?

i m going to give you the example of the Garnet Family :

A recent scientific study reveals that life may exist in places we haven’t even considered before, possibly opening new possibilities in our search for life outside of Earth.

According to new research published in PLOS One, garnets found in Thailand may be evidence of unknown forms of microbial life which are capable of living inside of the gemstones themselves, possibly representing an entirely new habitat for life.

Besides, Mr David Nicolas (Director of the Paris Museun of Natural History ) evoked the life of the “BLOB”, a living being which belongs to one of the nature’s mysteries.

No mouth, no stomach, no eyes, yet can detect food and digest it !! A true mystery ! impressive superpowers !

“We know for sure it is not a plant but we don’t really [know] if it’s an animal or a fungus,” said Mr David.

Oh… and it also has 720 sexes….

Watch the video about the “BLOB”  edited by France 24.

They also talked about the Fossils, in fact there are  three major fossil locations in Lebanon: Sahel Alma, Hajula and Hakel. Hajula and Hakel are each about twelve miles north-east of the coastal town of Jbeil, the ancient Byblos).

We have to mention that “Ancient Fish Fossils are part of Lebanon’s Hidden story”

However, they also mentioned something important  and the question was How Biodiversity reacted to past climate change ?

Indeed, In the past, plants and animals reacted to environmental changes by adapting, migrating or going extinct. These findings point to radical changes in biodiversity due to climate change in the future.